Off to Prague…

I’m very busy preparing myself for Doll Prague, the doll art exhibition at the end of this year in Prague. I’m looking so forward to this weekend. I was invited by Bohdana Klátilová, who organizes this wonderful event. Together with some other DABIDA members we will be exhibiting there from Friday 29 November until Sunday 1 December.
The exhibition will be at the Michna Palace and Tyrs house and is situated in the beautiful historic district of Prague, beneath the Prague castle. I will be staying a few days longer to go and visit Prague. I’m told we’re staying in a beautiful area, so there’s a lot to discover. If you know any areas I should be visiting, please let me know in the comment box below this page! 🙂
Michna Palace and Tyrs House
My DABIDA friends and colleagues Christine Polis, Caroline van Stiphout, Marlaine Verhelst, Saskia Hoeboer and Francisca Markus will be joining me on this trip.
There’s a very long list of exhibitors from all over the world like Japan, Italy, USA, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Turkye and so on. I’m so curious to get to know them and their work. For a doll artist or doll collector it will be like being a kid in a candy store… 😀 Getting the opportunity to be inspired by these artists is amazing. I will show you all lots of pictures when I get back!
The beautiful hall where the exhibition will take place.
For more information:
I also put some new fairy keychains and fairy necklaces in my webshop. I hope you enjoy them! And I added some categories where you can see all available products for each fairy.
Kathleen xx